

Q. Once I decide what car and options I want how will Legacy Motorcars help me?

Once we talk and understand what you’re looking for, we can check the recent sales at the auctions and find out what that car is selling for at the auctions. We can then tell what your cost will be and show you how that compares to the cost at a dealer or on-line site. Then we go and find you your car. It’s that easy.

Q. I have a vintage car that’s been setting in my garage for years. I would like to sell it. How can Legacy Motorcars help?

Legacy Motorcars will come to your house or you can bring your car to our showroom. We have years of experience in appraising cars and we can give you a fair offer for your car.

Q. I would like to find a particular car. Does Legacy Motorcars provide this service?

We have contacts across the country and can locate most any car you are looking for. We can negotiate the best price for you and have the car delivered to your driveway. We can also take care of minor cosmetic or mechanical problems.

Q. My son or daughter is turning 16 and I need to get them a car, can you help?

The process is the same. We will obtain car preferences and price range, go out and find that perfect car!

Q. What do I do with my old car if I purchase a car from Legacy Motorworks?

In most cases we can make a deal for us to sell your car. We will either buy it or try to sell it for you.